Angular and i18n

Well it has been a long while again, but I’ve been crazy busy at work. I worked on a couple of interesting Single Page Applications written with Angular and I really like it because the Framework is so simple to use and very well documented with a crapload of nice plugins and extensions from the…

Hell, It’s time again!

Well it’s a long time since I last postet something here. Sadly i’ve been very busy with work and afterwards just coded for about an hour before going to sleep. So what’s going on you might ask. Ive startet a rewrite of an unfinished project called AMVScore back then. The project startet because a friend…

C# DataTable to MySQL

I had a very basic problem while coding on a project and it was simply bulkinsert from a .NET DataTable to the MySQL Server and do this FAST! After crawling the net for a while I came to the conclusion that every one of those methods where either slow or didn’t fit my needs so…